The Fogue Abode: April 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hoppy Easter

    The Mr and I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend.  Ours was crammed full with family fun.  Some people love to spend time at the beach, or a weekend get away from the madness, but my heart is happiest when we are with family.  It doesn't hurt any that I have 6 siblings, and that the Mr. has a secret bro-mance with my 2 brother-in-laws, oh and that we have 3 (soon to be 4 when baby Parker arrives in July) of the cutest nieces and nephew.  It certainly makes for a fun packed weekend when everyone gets together.  This weekend we decided on a big get together at our house (yes, the first time my big house will really be put to use, don't let us down Ethel!)   Here is a little breakdown of the festivities including some fun crafts we did with the kids which I will post a breakdown of later.

    We started the weekend off on Friday, Good Friday that is.  I love that I work for a company who still acknowledges this as a "holiday" so I enjoyed the day off making sure the house was spotless and ready for the crowd we were expecting.  I also got to baby-sit my 2 nieces that afternoon.  I had a little craft project in mind for the girls.  Since I'm not a parent, I certainly had my hands full helping the girls paint the letters.  I planned to be able to post a breakdown of this little project but with no pictures that would be a tiny bit boring.  Here are the after pictures.

    And I have outlined the step-by-step of how to create this little banner:
    Step 1: Walmart shopping, I got a yard of burlap (which really was to much), white craft paint, and some sponge paint brushes.
    Step 2: I created a Word document with a triangle and the letters I would need to spell out easter.  I made sure to put them in bold and big enough that I would be able to cut them out.
    Step 3: I took the cut out triangles and traced them onto the burlap and cut those out.
    Step 4: The girls took turns while I held our stencil down blotting the white paint onto the burlap to create the letters.  Make sure that you have something under this as the paint will go through the holes.
    Step 5: I also printed out a bunny rabbit that the girls painted then we hot glued a cotton ball for its tail.
    Step 6: I hot glued a string of jute rope to hang it  by
    The END

    While we were letting that dry we did a little bit of cleaning to get ready for all the company we would have this weekend.  The girls actually begged me to clean the shower (free labor!) 

     While I made up this cute little basket full of essentials for our guests.  Every time I stay at a hotel I swipe the shampoos, conditioners, and body washes for any guests we may have.  I also use the toothpaste, toothbrush, and floss we get when we go to the dentist.  It was easy to whip this up and a cute little perk to the guest bathroom (that desperately needs my attention.)

    Saturday was spent with the entire family out at our Pappy and Granny's pond fishing and grilling burgers.  Sophie was the cat's me-ow when it came to fishing.  

    Peyton even had his own fishing pole just like his daddy.

    We even had a contest of who could catch the smallest fish.

    And Sophie won the prize of the biggest with this cat!

    And the Easter Bunny (aka Buckwheat) came for a visit.

    Sunday we cooked a huge easter lunch and had our first big party at the new house.  I think we counted close to 20 folks.  Good thing we didn't have living room furniture yet.  It was a nice place to set up the table.
      For a total of $14 I made these little table arrangements.  They had tulips on sale at the grocery store and I snagged two bundles and I got colorful grass at the Dollar Tree.  I used the kids Easter Eggs as a little add on.  

    How did you celebrate Easter this past weekend?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Painting, Fleas, and Burger!

First off many apologize on the absence of posts lately.  I've started a project I'm very excited to share with y'all once it gets done; however, it is taking longer then expected. 

But here I am back to share my fun finds this weekend.  I got to head over to Texarkana on Saturday for a little shopping and Painting.  First off was a little local Flea Market where I had this cute retro find for only $13 thanks to an additional 20% off.  Girl loves a good sell.

This is just a preview to the cute little project I've been working on.  I'm planning to get it done by the weekend before we have a ton of family down for a fishing Saturday and Easter Sunday.

Next we stopped by this awesomely fun new place called Painting with a Twist.  The down low is you get to paint a picture + wine = fun art work to hang in the house.  Here we are mid-project.

And here is our final outcome.

This was just a ball of fun and I recommend everyone to go try it out.

Lastly I talked the fam into swinging by Target to pick up a Burger 

One of my favorite home blogs Young House Love has a line of hangers in Target and my girls so needed a Burger (their doggy in hanger form) to hold their very own leashes.

And that sums up the weekend!  Back to working and even more painting tomorrow.

How did you guys enjoy the weekend? 
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