The Fogue Abode: October 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Fogue's Visit Roseberry Farms

Hey guys.  Here we are smack dab in the middle of October.  The busyness of the holiday season is nearing, as is my anxiety to make all things glamorous.  With a ton on our plates, including a few new adventures of my own, we took some time to take A out to the pumpkin patch for some festive fall fun. 

If you are in the central Arkansas area, I highly suggest making a trip down to Roseberry Farm in Benton.  It's a great little family run pumpkin patch that had every activity our little Tot could ever dream of. 

Before we made it around to the actual pumpkin picking, we took some time to admire the sites.  We started with a little visit to their farm animals.  Aspen loved calling the "bock-bock's" (chickens) up and the donkeys were so much fun (and jealous little things.)

After that we found our way to the giant hay-fort which had a big kid slide on it.  Sliding has become one of Aspens favorite activities lately, so we spent our fair share of time with this.  By the end of our visit, she was climbing the fort and sliding on her own.

We couldn't round our fall afternoon out without a sneezy hay ride around the farm.  Aspen wasn't quite sure about this activity, plus it made all of our noses itch and eyes water.

We finally made it around to the pumpkins after a few minutes of swinging.  Once she finally realized what they were and that we could pick one and take it home, she was in heaven.

The problem was finding the perfect pumpkin.

Finally we found it, and it was [mic drop, I'm out] for Aspen.  She is such a little sass these days.

Hope you guys are having a fun and festive fall.  Make sure you check out this family operation if you are in the area.  And if not, find one local to you.  I'm all for supporting our local farm families.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fogues Do A Wedding

What do you get when you put a simple southern family and an intercultural fancy wedding together?  You get the Fogues Do A Wedding weekend! I'm here today with all the details about our intercultural Chinese/American wedding weekend we experienced and all the fun and beautiful details that went into the different services, including our first Chinese Tea Ceremony. 

We were in Dallas this past weekend to attend Chris' brothers wedding.  The weekend was beautiful as were the bride and groom.  The ceremony took place in a quaint little chapel inside of The Heights Church.  Thank goodness I came prepared with toys, books and snacks for little miss Aspen.  Once she saw Da-Da, who was the best man, that was all she wanted. 

After the ceremony, we went to Zander's House for the beautiful reception.  It was Aspen's first fancy wedding with 8 courses of Chinese delicacies.  The table settings were perfect for such a mixed cultural wedding.  There were beautiful centerpieces and fun Chinese fans which garnished each setting.

Aspen only lasted through 7 courses before my little princess turned into my little monster.  But for a full day of activities, she did great. 

Before we left for the evening, we hit the photo booth for a little dress up family fun.

But, before we got to all the wedding fun, we experienced our first Chinese Tea Ceremony that morning, which was incredibly cool.  The Tea Ceremony was a way to formally introduce the bride's family to the groom's family.  We had to wait to come in where the groom presented his bride with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and we went through a tunnel of family members all eager to meet us.

Once we all made it in, we began the traditional ceremony in which the bride and groom present each family member with tea.  We were then able to give the couple our wedding gift in the form of a red envelope. 

It was a beautiful ceremony and we were so very honored to be able to participate in the Chinese ritual.  Once everyone had their tea, we were presented with a feast of Chinese BBQ.  One thing we did this weekend was EAT!  Aspen has turned into my little Chinese lover, she had to eat with her chop sticks and loved the rice and noodles they served. 

The whole weekend was a beautiful experience.  Now we are blessed with a new sister-in-law to add to our family. 

Congratulations too you, Jason and Ping. 


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Appreciation {plus a Dayspring Giveaway}

Can you look at your faith and think of one person who helped mold you into the person you are today?  Maybe it was several people.  Me, I can think of at least 5 great Christians who shaped me into the woman I am today.

I'm just here with a quick note that this is Ministry Appreciation month.  Take the time to thank your mentor, your pastor, your shepherd. 

You can go over to  today and send your ministry team a little reminder of why they are such an important part of God's work.  It costs nothing and is such an encouragement to your ministry team. 

Before you go, I have an awesome giveaway opportunity for you guys below.  Dayspring is giving away a $200 shopping spree.  Make sure you check them out, and don't forget to thank your church staff this month.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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