The Fogue Abode: March 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Painting Tips, Tricks & Lessons Learned

This post contains affiliated links.

It's been quiet and relaxing around the Abode the past couple of weekends.  I have this bad habit of burning myself out from doing too much.  Hence the lack of post lately.  It really is a nasty habit that I need to learn to control better.  My excitement just over energizes me and I'm totally a "need it now" type person. 

While I'm over here trying to find my inner zin, I figured I would grace you with my 5 painting tips I've learned along the way as well as a couple of my go to paint products that will totally change the way you paint. 

1. There's power in the angle!

My go to paint brush has always been the Purdy 2" Angle XL brush.  It's a quality brush that makes cutting in like slicing butter.  Thanks to this little wonder brush, I never use painters tape.

2. Put those plastic bags to use

I like to use plastic bags to cover my paint tray for a quick and easy clean up.  The bags help to remove the excess paint when loading your brush.  Then, once the project is done, roll it up and toss it in the trash.

3. Nail polish remover isn't just for your fingers

Because we don't have carpet, I hardly ever unroll the plastic tarps(unless I'm protecting some furniture.)  I'm usually pretty neat when painting, I'll use a trash bag to put the tray and paint can on, but other than that, I leave it bare floor.  If I ever do have an accident, I've found that simple fingernail polish remover easily removes the paint dribbles.  If they dry, you can usually just chip it away.

4. Always mix your paint by hand

I learned this lesson the hard way during my latest paint project.  I came straight home from the paint store and applied the first coat.  I did a quick stir between fill ups. When I started applying my second coat, I was in shock to see my walls were all different shades.  This caused me to painfully apply a 3rd and then a 4th coat of paint.  So, learn from my mistake, stir stir stir.

5. Samples are your friend

I don't mind spending $5 for a sample quart of paint for each of my room colors.  These are great if you ever have to make a quick touch up and they are small enough that I can store in a cabinet.  It's also an easy way for me to keep track with my paint colors as I'll note on the lid where each one is used. 

I hope these few tips help you out along your painting journeys.  Lastly, here are the only 4 items you will ever need to complete a successful paint job!  Trust me. 

No go forth, paint and be colorful my friend!

1. Purdy 2" Angle XL brush
2. Standard Nap Roller
3. Handy Paint Tray
4. Handy Paint Pail

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A House of Prayer

Yay!  March is here!  I'm possibly way to excited to be entering into the spring months.  Winter is my least favorite season.  So when I see the first signs of spring, I may uncontrollably do a happy dance. 

Speaking of March, my 2nd installment of Happy Email's went out this morning.  Have you subscribed to get my monthly newsletter?  If not, hit that Sign Me Up, Buttercup! button that pops up or send me an email.  I would love love love to include you in our Happy Emails.

Now that I've gotten a bit of house keeping out of the way, I wanted to share with you an experience I had this weekend.  Don't worry, it's totally home related.

Saturday, I was able to participate in a Prayer Mosaic that we held at my home church.  It was a beautiful morning of gathering with women and spending some time in the quiet solitude of prayer.  If you are a mom of a toddler, you know how difficult a quiet moment is.  So I was very thankful to be able to participate and spend some uninterrupted time with God.

One of the prayer stations, or my favorite station, dealt with our homes.  There was a blue print of a house drawn out on the floor (much like the one below) and we were able to walk through the home and pray over each specific room.

This is a great activity to carry over into our actual homes.  If you have a chance this week, take 5 minutes or so and walk through your house, praying over your entire home.  Here are just a few thoughts I had in each room.

  • Living Room - Family Unity, Teaching, Sabbath/Rest,  
  • Kitchen - Service, Nurturing my Family, Food/Things God Provides
  • Dining Room - Guests that grace our Home, Providing/Hosting
  • Office - Running of our Home, Finances
  • Bedroom - Relationships, Rest
  • Closet - Hidden Sins, Daily Quiet Time
I hope this exercise in prayer fills you with peace and reflectivity much like it left me.  I pray that God blesses you this week. 
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